Repairing power tools: the main components and how they work

Repairing power tools is an important process that requires an understanding of the main components of the tools and how they work. In this article, we will look at the most common power tool components, their functions and causes of failure.

Motor: electric power source

The motor is the main component of a power tool and is responsible for mechanical movement. Two types of motors are commonly used - direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Each type of motor has its own advantages and disadvantages:
DC motors: mostly used in portable tools because they are lighter and more efficient but require more maintenance.
AC motors: used in stationary tools because they are more reliable and have a longer service life, but are heavier and less efficient.
Faults in the motor can be caused by overloading, misuse or natural wear and tear.

Transmission: motion transmission

The gearbox is responsible for transmitting the engine's rotation to the working part. It consists of various gears designed to vary the speed and force of rotation. The main problems with the gearbox are usually related to:
Wear of gears: a natural process that can be reduced by proper maintenance and regular oil changes.
Improper alignment: can be caused by manufacturing errors or incorrect use of the tool.

Electrical installation: power supply

The electrical wiring is necessary for the engine to receive power. It consists of wires, connections and switches. The most common problems are:
Wiring faults: can be caused by mechanical damage or ageing of the natural insulation.
Corrosion of connectors: particularly relevant in wet working conditions.

Control system: tool control

The control system allows the user to control the operation of the tool. It includes switches, regulators and electronic modules. Possible faults:
Wear and tear on switches: frequent use can lead to mechanical failures.
Electronic module failures: can be caused by excessive voltage or temperature changes.

Maintenance and prevention: longer lifetime

Regular preventive maintenance is recommended to avoid power tool failures:
Cleaning: to remove dust and dirt that may interfere with the operation of the tool.
Lubrication: regular oil changes, especially in the gearbox.
Verification: periodically checking the condition of wiring, connections and switches.
Proper maintenance of power tools can significantly extend their service life and ensure safe and efficient operation.

Repairing power tools: useful tips for beginners in Vilnius

Power tools are an integral part of every craftsman's work. But even the best quality tools sometimes break down. In this article, we'll give you a few tips on how to carry out a proper power tool repair, especially if you're a beginner craftsman in Vilnius.

Fault diagnosis for power tools

The first step you need to take is to properly identify the fault in the tool. The most common faults are:
1. Electricity supply problems: check that the tool is receiving electricity.
2. Engine faults: engine brushes often wear out or break.
3. Mechanical parts: gearboxes, bearings and other moving parts can wear out.

Tools and materials needed for repairs

Successful repair of power tools requires the right tools and materials. Here are some of the basics:
Screwdrivers: various sizes and shapes.
Multimeter: for testing electrical circuits.
Soldering equipment: repairing faulty wires and components.
Replacement parts: engine brushes, bearings, belts, etc.

Security measures

Safety rules must be observed during repairs to avoid injuries:
1. Unplug the tool from the mains: before starting repairs.
2. Use protective measures: goggles, gloves, etc.
3. Work in a well-lit area: for better visibility of fine details.

How to find spare parts in Vilnius

There are many shops and online platforms in Vilnius where you can buy spare parts. Some recommendations:
Specialist shops: most of them offer a wide range of spare parts.
Online shops: such as Amazon or Ebay, where you can find the parts you need.
Advertising portals: spare parts can often be found second-hand but in good condition.
Properly carried out repairs can extend the life of your power tools and save you money. By following these tips and following the safety rules, even a novice technician in Vilnius can carry out repairs successfully.