Computer repair in Šiauliai: how to choose the right hard drive

Kompiuterių remontas Šiauliuose: kaip pasirinkti tinkamą kietąjį diską Kompiuterių remontas Šiauliuose tampa vis populiaresne paslauga, nes vis daugiau žmonių pasitiki vietiniais specialistais savo technikos taisyme. Viena iš dažniausiai pasitaikančių problemų, dėl kurios kreipiamasi į kompiuterių meistrus, yra kietojo disko gedimai. Tad kaip pasirinkti tinkamą kietąjį diską, kad jūsų kompiuteris veiktų sklandžiai ir patikimai? Kietojo disko […]

Computer repair in Kaunas: how to solve memory problems efficiently

Šiuolaikiniai kompiuteriai yra neatsiejama mūsų kasdienio gyvenimo dalis. Tačiau net ir naujausi modeliai kartais susiduria su techninėmis problemomis. Viena iš dažniausiai pasitaikančių problemų yra atminties gedimai. Kauno mieste veikia daugybė kompiuterių remonto paslaugas teikiančių įmonių, tačiau kaip pasirinkti tinkamiausią, kad problema būtų išspręsta efektyviai? Gedimų simptomai Prieš ieškant remonto paslaugų, svarbu atpažinti, ar jūsų kompiuteris […]

Computer repair in Vilnius: effective ways to solve the most common problems

Vilnius – Lietuvos sostinė, kurioje kasdien naudojami tūkstančiai kompiuterių tiek darbui, tiek laisvalaikiui. Deja, net ir geriausi kompiuteriai kartais susiduria su techninėmis problemomis, kurios gali sutrikdyti mūsų kasdienybę. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime dažniausiai pasitaikančias kompiuterių problemas ir kaip efektyviai jas išspręsti Vilniuje. Dažniausios kompiuterių problemos Kompiuterių problemos gali būti įvairios, tačiau dažniausiai vartotojai susiduria su šiomis: […]

Searching for a computer for your studies

When choosing a laptop for studying, it is important to think carefully and compare different models according to your personal needs and budget. In this article, we will give you useful tips on how to find the best value for money. The price of a laptop The price is often the deciding factor when choosing a laptop. Cheaper models, typically with 4 or 8 GB of RAM, are usually suitable for routine tasks, while more expensive [...]

What is the best computer for gaming?

The number of gaming enthusiasts is growing around the world, including Lithuania, and this is leading to an increased supply of consoles and PC equipment on the market. To experience top quality gaming, you need a stationary PC that can run the latest games. Eneba online shop shares tips on how to choose a PC for gaming. What can you choose from? Modern PC models feature advanced technology and components. Gaming PCs [...]

Overheating and fan noise: concerns for laptop owners

Laptop owners often have to deal with problems such as overheating, a loud fan, unexpected shutdowns and system freezes. Compared to desktop computers, laptops are more susceptible to dust accumulation and overheating problems. Why is it important to dust my computer? Fan noise or computer slowdowns can be a sign that it's time to dust [...]

What does it mean when a computer heats up?

Have you ever wondered why computers break down most often? One of the main causes of computer failures is heat. Laptops in particular tend to heat up more than desktop computers because of their design. Why does a laptop heat up? The cooling system of a laptop is not perfectly efficient and the accumulation of dust adds to the temperature problem. Even in very clean conditions, protecting a laptop [...]

What are the most common computer faults?

Computers are complex devices made up of hardware from different companies and thousands of lines of software, together with various drivers. The stability of today's computers is impressive. IT professionals often find it easy to solve complex computer problems in the workplace, but there are many small and simple problems that arise not only at work but also in personal use. Many computer problems [...]

The computer revolution that changed the world

Computers have been changing the world since their inception, from huge devices that took up an entire room to today's lightweight portable models. The first laptop, the IBM 5100, released in 1975, cost $9,000 (about $43,000 in today's money) and was a landmark of its time. "Simon Tilindis, Head of Computer Sales at Telia, points out that today's computers have become an [...]

Computer USB socket not working

A non-functioning USB socket on your computer can have many causes and consequences. One of the most common causes of a non-functioning USB socket on a computer is a faulty connection due to a poor connector or excessive force used to connect the cable. This can cause the port to wear out over time, loosen and eventually stop working. Other causes can include dust, dirt and other debris that may have [...]

Double view on a computer screen

Dual view on a computer screen is an efficient and convenient way to work. It allows you to see two applications, documents or web pages side by side at the same time, so you can easily compare information, do research or multitask. This is especially useful when working with several applications at once or when writing and editing documents. The dual-view feature is available on most modern computers [...]

Dust inside your computer

Dust is a big problem when it comes to the longevity of your computer. Dust can easily accumulate inside your computer and seriously damage it. Over time, dust can cause fans and processors to overheat or even clog up, leading to unexpected shutdowns and serious performance problems. Even if you regularly open and clean your computer case, it can still be difficult [...]

Airplane mode won't turn off on your computer

If your computer won't switch off Airplane mode, it could be caused by a number of different factors. It is important to identify the cause of the problem so that you can find a solution and get back to work. The first cause may be a faulty hardware component. In this case, you may need to take your computer to a technician to have it repaired. If the problem is simply software-related, you can try [...]

Unresponsive programs on your computer

When computer programmes are unresponsive, it can be an unpleasant experience. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and diagnose unresponsive computer programs. The first step is to check your computer hardware. You'll want to make sure that all of the necessary components, such as RAM, hard drives and video cards, are working properly. You should also check the power supply and cables, [...]

Troubleshooting your computer: blue screens of death

The most common cause of Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) errors is a corrupted or faulty device driver Device drivers are software programs that are used by the operating system to communicate with the computer hardware. If one of these drivers becomes corrupted, the system may crash and display a blue screen. To fix a BSoD error, you first need to identify which device driver is causing the problem. To do this [...]

CDs won't start on my computer

There are several possible causes and solutions when a CD does not start on your computer. One of the most common reasons is that the disk drive is not properly connected or powered on. Check that all cables are securely connected and that power is supplied. If not, reconnect them according to the computer's instructions. Another possible cause is computer settings. Many computers have both a CD and [...]

How to clean your computer to keep it running well

Prevent your computer from slowing down, crashing or becoming infected with malicious viruses by cleaning and maintaining it regularly. To make sure your computer is running as efficiently as possible, try these simple steps: 1. Clean out dust and debris: This may involve vacuuming or blowing compressed air into the vents on the outside of your computer to remove dust and debris. This can help keep [...]

What to do if your computer won't shut down

When your computer won't shut down, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. One of the first steps is to check if there are any programs running in the background of your computer that may be preventing it from shutting down. To do this, open Task Manager (right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager). There you can see which applications are currently [...]

Common computer problems and how to fix them

Computer problems can be incredibly frustrating. Often you're staring at a blank screen and don't know what to do. Fortunately, there are a few common computer problems that are easy to fix. One of the most common problems is hardware failures. This could be a faulty monitor, a hard drive failure or a faulty motherboard or processor. The best way to deal with a hardware failure [...]

Why use a UPS with your computer

Using a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) with your computer is an important step to ensure that your data and hardware are protected in the event of a power failure. It can also help reduce energy costs, stabilise the power supply and provide backup power in the event of a power outage. An uninterruptible power supply helps to ensure that in the event of a power outage [...]