Rise in electric scooter ignitions worries fire services

Fire services have already recorded four cases of spontaneous combustion of electric scooters this year. Although this number seems significant, experts are concerned because in previous years there were fewer such incidents.

Difficult extinguishing process

Last year, only one electric scooter fire was recorded, according to the Fire and Rescue Department (FRD). This year, incidents occurred in Druskininkai, Vilnius and Palanga. In mid-July, a rechargeable scooter caught fire in Vilnius, in March in Palanga, and at the end of June, a riding scooter caught fire in Vilnius. Another case occurred in Druskininkai this month.

Not all fires are reported, so the actual situation may be more serious. Tomas Veliseičik, a specialist at the Firefighter Rescue School, points out that fires are most often caused by problems with electrical wiring or lithium batteries. Lithium batteries are particularly difficult to ignite because of the specific dispersion of white smoke and the potential for flammable gases to escape from the battery.

Care is needed when extinguishing a scooter that has caught fire, as the electronics and batteries are located under the shell, which is difficult to open quickly. Experts recommend using plenty of water to cool the batteries faster. It is important not to charge the scooter while it is on fire.

Causes of the increase in fires

A representative of a Vilnius electric scooter service believes that there may be more cases of ignitions than the official statistics. He points out that better quality scooters are protected by active balance plates and advanced technologies that prevent the batteries from overheating.

It is important for buyers to pay attention to the characteristics and resistance of the scooter. It is also important to keep in mind that it is important to avoid riding in puddles or rain to avoid damaging the battery and avoid possible ignition.

Printer cartridges: is it worth buying new or refilling old ones?

Printer cartridges are an important part of the printing process. But when a cartridge runs out, the question is: Is it better to buy a new one or refill the old one? In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of these two options.

Considerations when choosing between new and refilled cartridges:

  1. New cartridges from the manufacturer: Although they are more expensive, the new cartridges guarantee the highest print quality, convenience and less chance of failure. But if you print a lot, this option can be expensive.
  2. Cheap, additional cartridges: It is a cost-effective choice, especially for frequent print users. Refilled cartridges save money and reduce environmental pollution, but quality can vary and sometimes run out faster.

When choosing between filing methods, consider:

  • Print frequency: If you print infrequently, low-cost cartridges may be the right choice. For frequent printers, new, high quality cartridges may be more suitable.
  • Environmental protection: If reducing waste is important, refilled cartridges are a more environmentally friendly choice.

Why do online shops offer cheaper cartridges?

Cartridges are often cheaper in online shops due to lower maintenance costs and competition. It is important to choose reputable sellers who comply with legislation and invoice.

To summarise

When choosing between new and refilled printer cartridges, it is important to take into account frequency of printing, personal values and affordability. There are advantages and disadvantages to both buying new cartridges and refilling old ones, so it is important to work out which option best suits your needs.

Aspects of 4K TVs

Known for their excellent picture quality, 4K TVs are an example of a very popular technological advancement in the TV industry. The biggest advantage of these TVs is their high resolution, which is particularly good on larger screens, but also significantly improves the picture quality on smaller models. 4K TVs have four times more pixels than FULL HD models, resulting in a highly accurate and realistic picture, providing a new viewing experience.

Colour reproduction quality, clarity and accuracy are other important features of 4K TVs. This makes them the ideal choice for movie lovers and PC gaming enthusiasts. In addition, 4K TVs can upgrade lower quality images to near 4K levels, so users can always enjoy the highest picture quality.

The high level of detail makes 4K TVs extremely immersive and realistic. This is especially true when watching programmes that require concentration, plays, concerts, lectures, films or documentaries. Travel images and natural beauty look fantastic in 4K, giving viewers an incredible visual experience.

How to effectively clean your smartphone speaker

While many smartphone owners often clean the screen and back of their phone, speaker maintenance is often neglected. Proper cleaning of the speaker is important to prevent problems with the functionality of the device.

When to clean your phone speakers

Declining sound may be a signal that it's time to clean your speakers. The accumulation of dust and fine dirt is inevitable, so periodic cleaning is essential.

How to clean your speakers properly

  1. Tips for cleaning the speaker: The use of chemical cleaning agents is not recommended. A toothbrush or wooden toothpick is the best choice for cleaning. Special compressed air may also be useful. It is not safe to use a needle as it can damage important membranes.
  2. Cleaning minor dirt: For example, Xiaomi and other smartphones have a feature that allows you to clean the speaker with sound. This feature helps to dislodge fine particles.
  3. Cleaning with sound on Android and iOS: "On Android, find "Speaker Cleaning" in the settings, while iOS devices will need to install a dedicated app.
  4. Cleaning more difficult dirt: Using a cotton swab, toothbrush or toothpick, you can gently clean the clogged holes. Alcohol or petrol for lighters can be used to remove more stubborn dirt.
  5. General recommendations: Regular gentle cleaning is the best way to keep your speakers clean and functional. It is recommended to wipe the unit with a damp cloth after cleaning.

By following these recommendations, you can ensure that your smartphone speaker works like new.

Monitorių remontas Vilniuje ir Šiauliuose: kokius komponentus dažniausiai reikia keisti ir kaip tai padaryti

Monitorių remontas gali būti sudėtingas procesas, reikalaujantis specifinių žinių ir įgūdžių. Vilniuje ir Šiauliuose veikia daugybė profesionalių remonto dirbtuvių, kurios gali padėti išspręsti įvairias problemas. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime dažniausiai keičiami komponentai ir pagrindiniai žingsniai, kaip atlikti remontą.

Dažniausiai keičiami komponentai

1. Ekranas

Ekranas yra vienas iš dažniausiai keičiamų komponentų, nes jis yra jautrus smūgiams, įbrėžimams ir kitiems pažeidimams. Keičiant ekraną, svarbu pasirinkti tinkamą modelį ir būti atsargiems, kad nepažeistumėte kitų monitoriaus dalių.

2. Maitinimo šaltinis

Maitinimo šaltinis gali sugesti dėl elektros tinklo sutrikimų ar kitų priežasčių. Keičiant šį komponentą, svarbu naudoti tinkamą įtampą ir pajungimo schemą, kad išvengtumėte papildomų problemų.

3. Plokštė

Monitoriaus plokštė (angl. mainboard) yra dar vienas svarbus komponentas, kurį gali tekti keisti. Plokštės gedimai dažnai būna susiję su elektroniniais komponentais, kurie gali perkaisti arba sugesti dėl kitų priežasčių.

Kaip atlikti monitoriaus remontą

1. Diagnostika

Pirmas žingsnis atliekant remontą yra diagnostika. Tai apima vizualinį patikrinimą ir elektroninių komponentų testavimą. Naudodami specialią įrangą, galite nustatyti, kurie komponentai yra pažeisti ar neveikia.

2. Atsargus išmontavimas

Norint pakeisti sugedusius komponentus, reikia atsargiai išmontuoti monitorių. Tai apima korpuso nuėmimą, kabelių atjungimą ir kitų detalių išmontavimą. Svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į smulkius varžtus ir jungtis, kad vėliau būtų lengviau surinkti monitorių.

3. Komponentų keitimas

Po išmontavimo, galima pradėti keisti sugedusius komponentus. Svarbu naudoti kokybiškas dalis, kurios yra suderinamos su jūsų monitoriumi. Keičiant elektroninius komponentus, būtina laikytis saugumo reikalavimų, kad išvengtumėte elektros smūgių ar kitų pavojų.

4. Surinkimas ir testavimas

Pakeitus reikiamus komponentus, monitorių reikia surinkti atgal. Atkreipkite dėmesį į teisingą kabelių prijungimą ir varžtų prisukimą. Baigus surinkimą, būtina atlikti monitoriaus testavimą, kad įsitikintumėte, jog viskas veikia taip, kaip turėtų.
Monitorių remontas gali būti sudėtingas, tačiau, laikantis tinkamų procedūrų ir naudojant kokybiškas dalis, galima pasiekti puikių rezultatų. Jei nesate tikri dėl savo įgūdžių ar neturite reikiamos įrangos, geriausia kreiptis į profesionalius remonto specialistus Vilniuje ar Šiauliuose.

Benefits and options for refilling printer toners

Many people who use laser printers sooner or later have to deal with the issue of toner replacement. There are several possible strategies for replacing toner: buying a new cartridge, refilling it at home or using a refilling service. In this article, we will discuss these options and how they help you save money.

Toner replacement options:

  1. Buy a new cartridge: While this may seem like the most reliable way, new original cartridges are often expensive, especially if you print a lot.
  2. To be completed at home: It is a cost-effective method that requires certain tools and materials. When refilling toner at home, you also need to keep in mind the recharging of the toner brain, which is the microchip.
  3. Use filling services: This is one of the simplest and most effective ways. The service is inexpensive and frees you from the hassle of refilling the cartridge.

Benefits of filling services:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Refilling toner can save up to 60% compared to the cost of new cartridges.
  • Ecology: Refilling cartridges helps to save the environment, as most cartridges are bought back or recycled.
  • Convenience: If you choose professional filling, you don't have to worry about technical aspects.

Cartridge lifetime

Although refilled cartridges can last several times without any apparent loss of quality, they do wear out over time. If a cartridge is no longer working properly, it is recommended to replace it.


Refilling your printer toner is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. While manufacturers may fear the impact of non-original cartridges on the longevity of the printer, it is important to remember that all IT products have a lifespan. Refilling toner can effectively reduce the cost of a new printer.

Information for everyone who wants to buy a TV from the most popular names

Television has become an integral part of every home. Nowadays, a wide variety of TV sets are available on the market, with different manufacturers, sizes, features and specifications. Let's take a look at some of the most popular TV manufacturers and find out what is useful to know about them.

Samsung TVs

Samsung TVs are recognised worldwide. As well as leading the way in TV sales, the company also offers a wide range of devices. Samsung TVs are known for their QLED technology displays, which provide sharp colour contrasts and clear images. In addition to 4K and 8K TVs, Samsung is the only manufacturer with its own voice assistant - Bixby.


LG TVs are known as leaders in OLED technology. LG manufactures its own OLED displays and sells them to other manufacturers. Many experts say that LG OLED displays are the best on the market, delivering flawlessly bright colours, strong contrasts and ultra-deep blacks. LG TVs offer vivid colours and support Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.

Hisense TVs

Hisense TVs are known for their extremely low prices. These TVs feature high-end 4K/HDR technology and a relatively good level of picture quality at an affordable price level. Hisense TVs feature exclusive designs and are available in OLED models.

Sony TVs

Sony TVs are known for their excellent sound quality. Sony TVs feature built-in subwoofers for an immersive audio experience. In addition, Sony offers QD-OLED TVs, which offer even greater picture brightness than standard OLED models.

Philips TVs

Philips TVs are unique because of their Ambilight technology, which reproduces the colours seen on the screen on the wall behind the TV, giving it a distinctive and glamorous look. Philips TVs are affordable and come in a wide range of models, sizes and specifications.

When choosing a TV, it's important to consider your individual needs and preferences to find the right model for your home.

5 tips for choosing a phone

Today's smartphones have a wide range of products on the market. Phones from different manufacturers, designs and features are constantly being updated. However, no one particular model or brand can be considered the best fit for everyone, as each user's needs vary.

How do I choose the best smartphone?

  1. Choose by operating system, not by brand. The functionality of your smartphone depends on its operating system. The main systems on the market are Windows Phone, iOS and Android. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Screen size and smartphone usability. A large screen diagonal guarantees a larger phone size. It is important that the size of the phone is comfortable to use. For example, a 5.5-inch diagonal screen can be a good compromise between size and functionality.
  3. Your phone must have a powerful processor. The best smartphones usually have more powerful processors. If you want a reliable and fast phone, choose models with dual-core processors or more, especially if you're a mobile gamer.
  4. Long battery life. It's important for your smartphone to be able to work all day without additional charging. Therefore, choose models with a larger battery capacity, such as at least 2000 mAh.
  5. Enough memory capacity. For most users, it's important that their phone can hold enough data, such as music, photos or videos. Most modern phones support memory cards that make it easy to increase memory capacity. However, if you choose an iPhone, you'll have to make do with built-in memory.

Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration (LTSA) exposes scooterists' failure to comply with traffic rules

The LTSA has carried out a study showing that the majority of electric scooter riders disregard the rules of the road (RR). Often, scooter riders do not take care of their own safety and the safety of other road users.

Scooter riders were observed during a five-hour experiment in the centre of Vilnius. 70% of them were found to be crossing pedestrian crossings, despite the mandatory rule to dismount and catch the scooter. A tenth of the riders were not riding alone and only 2% were wearing a helmet, despite the fact that it is compulsory for those under 18.

Genius Lukošius, Head of LTSA, points out that despite the growing popularity of electric scooters and the development of scooter sharing platforms, scooterists are not sufficiently interested in rules and safety requirements.

The survey found that more than half of drivers do not obey the rules of the road: they drive on pavements when there are cycle paths, ignore pedestrians, and disregard crossing rules. The LTSA leader stresses that this situation is also visible in online discussions.

This year, LTSA is running a communication campaign called "Take Care" to educate scooter riders and encourage them to respect the rules of the road. It stresses that scooters should be ridden on cycle paths or kerbs, and on pavements only when necessary. When riding on the carriageway, a brightly coloured vest should be worn or lights should be switched on.

What if the coffee machine stops working?

Coffee is part of many people's morning routine, and the right coffee machine can be an invaluable help. But even quality machines sometimes break down. So what if your coffee machine is broken?

Don't sort it out yourself

We do not recommend that you carry out repairs yourself. It is often the case that trying to fix the machines yourself leads to even bigger problems, which can be more expensive and complicated to deal with.

How to find the right master

If you decide to turn to the professionals, it is important to choose the right technician carefully:

  1. Price: Prices for services can often be found online, but it's a good idea to check them in advance.
  2. Specialisation: Find out if the technician has experience with your type of coffee machine.
  3. Feedback: It is important to assess the feedback from previous customers on the work carried out by the craftsmen.
  4. Term: If you want the machine fixed quickly, ask how long it can be done in.
  5. Location: It is more convenient if the workshop is closer to your home.
  6. Treaty: Read the service contract carefully and make sure everything is clear.

Warranty service

When choosing a craftsman, it is a good idea to give preference to those who offer a guarantee. This means that if the fault recurs, it will be repaired free of charge.


Although coffee machines sometimes break down, tasty coffee adds more colour and motivation to everyday life. That's why it's worth fixing a broken coffee machine, and it's best to do it with the help of trusted professionals.