Computers have been changing the world since their inception, from huge devices that took up an entire room to today's lightweight portable models. The first laptop, the IBM 5100, released in 1975, cost $9,000 (about $43,000 in today's money) and was a landmark of its time. "Simon Tilindis, Head of Computer Sales at Telia, points out that today's computers have become an [...]
Top 10 most popular phones on the Lithuanian market in 2023
Smartphones with advanced technological features have attracted many buyers in Lithuania this summer. According to experts, several models stand out as favourites among buyers. These include Apple and Samsung flagships, as well as Xiaomi devices, which offer an excellent quality/price ratio. An important feature of a smartphone is its high-quality camera, especially in summer when more time is spent outdoors. Indrė Bertašienė, Tele2 [...]
Choosing a coffee machine. Which is the most convenient for home use?
Today's fast-paced lifestyle, full of commitments, often leads us to look for moments of relaxation and enjoyment. One way to do this is to enjoy a cup of fragrant and delicious coffee. A coffee machine at home can be the perfect helper for these moments. If you dream of having a coffee machine at home but don't know how to choose from the available options, this review will help you. Types of coffee machines and their advantages [...]
Expert advice on finding the right TV for you
When choosing a TV set, each consumer looks for different features according to their personal needs and lifestyle. Experts emphasise that there is no one-size-fits-all model that appeals to everyone. The choice is often influenced by the advice of technology experts and the specific expectations of the consumer. "Mindaugas Slavinskas, TP Vision manager, points out that buyers often do not understand the complexities of TV technology, which is why the advice of experts is very important. [...]
About the new rules for scooterists - no innovation
Parliament has started to regulate the use of electric scooters. Scooters will be limited in terms of power, with age and speed limits for riders. Municipalities will be able to ban scooters on pavements, but if there are no cycle paths and no signs, you can ride on the pavement, but not faster than 7 km per hour. More powerful scooters will have to have third party liability insurance, pass a roadworthiness test and be registered. Scooter [...]
Monitor repairs in Kaunas and Šiauliai: what components fail most often and how to replace them
Technologijų pasaulyje monitorių gedimai nėra retenybė. Kaune ir Šiauliuose, kaip ir kitose Lietuvos miestuose, monitorių remonto paslaugos tampa vis populiaresnės. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime dažniausiai gendančius monitorių komponentus ir pateiksime patarimus, kaip juos pakeisti. Dažniausiai gendantys komponentai Monitorių gedimai gali būti įvairūs, tačiau kai kurie komponentai sugenda dažniau nei kiti. Štai keli dažniausiai gendantys monitorių komponentai: […]
Monitorių remontas Šiauliuose: pagrindiniai patarimai ir komponentų veikimo principai
Monitorių remontas yra svarbus paslaugų sektorius Šiauliuose, kuris padeda prailginti įrenginių tarnavimo laiką ir sumažinti elektroninių atliekų kiekį. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime pagrindinius monitoriaus remontui reikalingus patarimus bei paaiškinsime, kaip veikia pagrindiniai jų komponentai. Pagrindiniai monitoriaus komponentai ir jų veikimas Monitoriaus veikimas priklauso nuo įvairių komponentų, kurie dirba kartu, kad užtikrintų vaizdo kokybę ir funkcionalumą. Ekranas […]
Monitorių remontas Klaipėdoje: kaip veikia pagrindiniai komponentai ir jų keitimas
Monitoriai yra neatsiejama šiuolaikinės technologijų ekosistemos dalis, tačiau kaip ir bet kuris kitas elektroninis prietaisas, jie gali sugesti. Klaipėdoje yra daugybė specialistų, galinčių padėti remontuoti monitorius, tačiau svarbu suprasti pagrindinius komponentus ir dažniausiai pasitaikančius gedimus, kad galėtumėte geriau suprasti remonto procesą. Pagrindiniai monitorių komponentai Monitorius susideda iš kelių pagrindinių dalių, kurios gali būti pažeistos arba […]
Monitorių remontas Kaune: pagrindinės problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai
Monitorių remontas tampa vis populiaresne paslauga Kaune, nes technologijos spartėja ir žmonės vis dažniau susiduria su techninėmis problemomis. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime dažniausiai pasitaikančias monitorių problemas ir jų sprendimo būdus. Dažniausios monitorių problemos Su vaizdu susijusios problemos Viena iš dažniausiai pasitaikančių problemų yra su vaizdu susijusios problemos, tokios kaip mirksintis arba visiškai juodas ekranas. Šios problemos […]
Monitor maintenance in Vilnius: how to ensure longevity and performance
Monitoriai yra neatsiejama šiuolaikinio gyvenimo dalis, ypatingai didžiųjų miestų, tokių kaip Vilnius, gyventojams. Tinkama monitorių priežiūra gali ne tik prailginti jų tarnavimo laiką, bet ir užtikrinti optimalų našumą. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime pagrindinius patarimus, kaip rūpintis monitoriais bei užtikrinti jų ilgaamžiškumą. Valymas ir apsauga nuo dulkių Monitoriai yra jautrūs dulkėms, kurios gali kauptis ant ekrano ir […]
Monitor repair in Klaipėda: how to fix and replace faulty components
Monitorių gedimai gali sukelti nemažai nepatogumų, ypač jei naudojate kompiuterį darbui ar mokslams. Klaipėdoje yra nemažai specialistų, kurie gali padėti remontuoti sugedusius monitorius, tačiau kai kuriuos gedimus galima ištaisyti ir namuose. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime, kaip nustatyti dažniausius monitorių gedimus ir juos ištaisyti. Dažniausi monitorių gedimai Monitoriai gali sugesti dėl įvairių priežasčių, tačiau dažniausiai pasitaikančios problemos […]
Deposition of particles on the printing sheet
The deposition of cartridge powder is an essential part of the printing process. During powder deposition, dry plastic toner particles are transferred from the image drum to the paper surface. The powder is attracted to the charged areas of the paper where the photo-conductive drum has created an electrostatic field. When the powder particles are applied to the paper, using heat and pressure, they fuse with the paper and create a permanent image. The deposition of the powder can be affected by [...]
Automatic cleaning problems in a coffee machine
A problem with automatic cleaning in a coffee machine can have several causes, and the consequences can range from a minor inconvenience to a major financial loss. In most cases, the main cause of an automatic cleaning problem is lack of regular maintenance. Without regular descaling or filter changes, components such as heating elements and tubes can become clogged or damaged, [...]
What you should know about electric scooter electronics faults
Failures in the electronics of an electric scooter are a common occurrence in any type of electric vehicle. Electrical problems can range from minor problems that cause minor inconveniences to major faults that render the vehicle unusable. The most common causes of electrical faults in electric scooters are loose or rusty connections, poor wiring or faulty components such as batteries, switches [...]
Computer USB socket not working
A non-functioning USB socket on your computer can have many causes and consequences. One of the most common causes of a non-functioning USB socket on a computer is a faulty connection due to a poor connector or excessive force used to connect the cable. This can cause the port to wear out over time, loosen and eventually stop working. Other causes can include dust, dirt and other debris that may have [...]
Your phone does not record video
One of the most common reasons why your phone doesn't record videos is a lack of storage space. If you don't have enough free memory on your device, recording may not start or may not be completed. To remedy this, try deleting some old files and photos that you no longer need to free up more space. Another possible reason for failing to record a video is [...]
TV sound interference
Television (TV) audio interference is a common problem that can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common cause of TV sound interference is electrical noise from other nearby appliances. This includes electronic equipment such as computers, microwave ovens, mobile phones and other wireless routers and transmitters. Other causes include improperly installed or unreliable cable or satellite connections. Poor [...]
You can't see your phone contacts
Dual view on a computer screen is an efficient and convenient way to work. It allows you to see two applications, documents or web pages side by side at the same time, so you can easily compare information, do research or multitask. This is especially useful when working with several applications at once or when writing and editing documents. The dual-view feature is available on most modern computers [...]
Poor signal reception on TV
Poor reception of the TV signal can be very frustrating. A weak signal can cause distortion, pixelation and other problems that make viewing difficult. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to improve your TV's signal reception. First, check the cables that run from your antenna or cable box to your TV. Make sure that all connections are secure and undamaged. [...]
Double view on a computer screen
Dual view on a computer screen is an efficient and convenient way to work. It allows you to see two applications, documents or web pages side by side at the same time, so you can easily compare information, do research or multitask. This is especially useful when working with several applications at once or when writing and editing documents. The dual-view feature is available on most modern computers [...]