Vilniuje / Kaune / Klaipėdoje / Šiauliuose for all types of repair of consoles. We work with Authorised suppliers of parts. We repair all types of gaming computers (consoles).
- XBOX - One, 360 repairs
- Sony PlayStation - PS5, PS4, PS3, Vita, PSP repair
- Nintendo - Switch, WII, DS, 3DS repairs repairs
- XBOX 360
- Sony PlayStation - PSP, PS3
- Nintendo - WII, DS
If you are insured, we can issue a repair certificate to the insurance company.
We provide both software and technical services. Replacing broken screens on portable consoles (PSP, DS). Repair wiped computers. Reinstall software. Re-solder various components, replace parts. Repair broken sockets. We carry out diagnostics before carrying out repairs.
XBOX / PlayStation repair - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions from our customers.
1. There are 3 red lights on the front of my Xbox, what's happening?
You have encountered a 3 red light error or a red ring of death (RROD). This is one of the most common Xbox errors, caused by overheating due to poor design and insufficient heat dissipation around the GPU (video) and CPU (microprocessor) chips.
2. How do I fix the Xbox 3 red light error?
If the console is under warranty, take it in for warranty repair. Attempting to repair the console yourself will void the warranty. If you don't have a warranty, or if you decide not to wait 4-6 weeks for your console to come back from warranty, we can repair your xbox much more quickly. Please contact us at our contacts in Vilnius and Kaunas.
3. Why are there 2 red lights on my Xbox light ring?
The 2 red light error is caused by overheating. The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure that your gaming PC is in a well-ventilated area where it is not disturbed by any other equipment or debris. Adequate airflow is essential to keep the inside of the console as cool as possible. If the console is not really loaded with anything that is preventing it from ventilating, you should first try to repair the X-clamp. Bring your XBOX to our experts for repair.
4. Why are all 4 LEDs on Xbox?
The 4 red light error is much less common than the other LED error codes mentioned above. This code indicates that the console cannot detect the AV (audio-video) cable. This may be due to a loose connector on the back of the console where the AV cable connects. However, it can also be caused by a (video) chip failure. If checking the cable connector does not resolve the problem, you can bring your console in for repair today.
5. Why does the thermal protector (thermopaste) need to be replaced on Xbox or PlayStation?
This paste is a very important part of the console's heat dissipation system, which becomes outdated over time and no longer serves its function. Replacing this paste will ensure that the GPU and CPU stay as cool as possible during operation.
6. Can your repair technicians remove a stuck disc from my PlayStation?
Yes, our technicians can remove stuck discs from PlayStation. We can also diagnose and fix any PlayStation problems that have caused the stuck disc.
7. What could have caused my PlayStation to stop displaying on my TV?
It's likely that the HDMI cable is loose or the TV has the wrong HDMI output source. Check both solutions. If that doesn't help, there may be a broken HDMI socket on both the TV and the console. Please contact us at Vilnius and Kaunas.
8. How do I fix a bad PlayStation HDMI socket?
The only solution is to re-wire the entire socket.
9. Can you solve the PlayStation Blue Light of Death (BLOD) problem?
The blue death light on the PlayStation console can be caused by various problems. Our gaming PC repair technicians are experienced in diagnosing and fixing blue death light problems on all types of PlayStation consoles. Contact us today.
Repair of consoles: XBOX, Playstation or Nintendo repair in Vilnius or Kaunas? Our contacts.
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